Dental crises can happen at any time, causing pain, suffering, and concern. Having quick access to skilled treatment in the event of a dental emergency is essential for maintaining oral health and repairing smiles. We recognize the importance and delicate nature of dental emergencies at Brookdale Dentistry on Yonge Street in Ontario. Our skilled team remains dedicated to providing compassionate and effective emergency dental care, making sure that patients get the timely attention they require to relieve pain and quickly address dental conditions.
Any dental problem that needs prompt intervention to relieve pain, manage trauma, or stop additional damage is an emergency. Common dental emergencies include:
If you have constant, severe tooth pain, it could mean you have an infection or a broken tooth that needs treatment right away.
A knocked-out tooth is an urgent situation. For the best possibility of a successful re-implantation, the tooth should, if at all feasible, be into its socket, maintained wet in milk, or taken to the dentist within an hour.
Damage to teeth can result from trauma or accidents. Quick dental care can save the tooth and keep other problems from happening.
A missing filling or crown can expose the tooth’s delicate inner layers, resulting in pain and making the tooth more susceptible to decay and other harm.
Abscesses is a bacterial infection that can result in excruciating pain, swelling, and a terrible aftertaste. To stop the infection from spreading, immediate action is necessary.
It is important to get immediate medical attention for any injuries to the lips, gums, tongue, or cheeks that cause bleeding, lacerations, or severe discomfort.
At Brookdale Dentistry, we are aware of the urgency and stress a dental emergency can cause. Our dental team is ready and skilled in treating a range of emergencies, offering our patients comfort and immediate care. Here is what to anticipate from our emergency dental care in Ontario when you have a dental emergency:
When possible, we provide same-day appointments for emergency dental patients and give them top priority.
Our dental professionals complete a dental emergency assessment, evaluating the problem and choosing the best course of action.
During the emergency visit, we take steps to reduce discomfort and immediately relieve pain.
We provide temporary fixes and set up a follow-up appointment for a permanent restoration if a dental repair is lost or damaged.
We work quickly to stabilize knocked-out or dislodged teeth in order to improve the likelihood of a successful re-implantation.
We go over the different treatment choices, taking into account the patient’s worries and preferences, depending on the type of dental emergency.
While dental emergencies can be unpredictable, there are steps you can take to reduce the potential risks of dental emergencies:
Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems which can lead to emergencies.
Wearing a mouthguard can assist in preventing dental harm if you participate in contact sports or other activities.
Teeth damage can result from using your teeth to open bottles, break apart packages, or bite into hard items. Instead, make use of the proper equipment.
Watch what you eat and refrain from chewing on objects like ice, hard sweets, or other items that could break your teeth.
Brookdale Dentistry on Yonge Street in Ontario aims to give patients immediate, professional dental care when they need it most. Our skilled team adheres to minimizing discomfort, swiftly attending to dental emergencies, and returning smiles to their ideal condition. Don’t hesitate to get immediate assistance from Brookdale Dentistry if you encounter a dental emergency. Remember that dental emergencies require a swift response, and our team is ready to offer you the kind of expert care you require.
Call us today for your dental emergency.
Dental emergencies can include:
Any situation causing significant pain, bleeding, or damage which needs immediate attention is a dental emergency.
It’s crucial to get immediate dental care when you have a dental emergency. As soon as you can, get in touch with your dentist in Brookdale Dentistry. When a tooth is knocked out, gently rinse it with water, try to replace it in the socket, and don’t touch the root. If this is not possible, keep the tooth wet by putting it in a container with milk or saliva.
If treatment starts right away, there are better odds of salvaging a knocked-out tooth. To improve your chances of a successful re-implantation, get emergency dental care as soon as possible.
In order to numb the area and lessen pain, emergency dentists can use a variety of pain treatment methods, including local anesthetic. Depending on how severe the issue is, they might also provide painkillers for temporary relief.
Yes, a lot of emergency dentists like Brookdale Dentistry strive to fix problems like broken or lost crowns or fillings on the same day. This guarantees the damaged teeth receive instant treatment and protection.
Depending on the dental insurance plan, coverage for emergency dental care may vary. It’s crucial to confirm your insurance coverage for urgent dental care with your provider.
Maintaining good oral hygiene habits, wearing protective equipment during contact sports, abstaining from using your teeth as tools, and exercising caution when eating tough or sticky foods will all help to reduce your risk of dental emergencies.
Monday: 12 – 8 p.m. (alternating weeks)
Tuesday – Thursday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (alternating weeks)
Phone: (416) 932-2000
Email: [email protected]
Address: 3280 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4N 2L6
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