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Preventive Care

At Brookdale Dentistry

In Yonge St, Ontario

Preventive Care for Pediatric Dentistry: Building Healthy Smiles
at Brookdale Dentistry in Yonge St, Ontario

Pediatric dentistry is essential for preserving children’s oral health from childhood through puberty. Preventive treatment, which emphasizes teaching young patients and their parents about correct oral hygiene practices and putting forth methods to prevent dental disorders, is the starting point for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Our team of skilled kids dentists at Brookdale Dentistry in Yonge St., Ontario, have a commitment to giving young patients the best preventive treatment possible so that their smiles are bright and healthy for the rest of their life.


The Importance of Preventive Care in Pediatric Dentistry

Preventive care is the cornerstone of pediatric dentistry, and for several compelling reasons:

Early Detection of Dental Issues

Pediatric dentists can spot tooth issues early on, thanks to routine dental cleanings and exams, which makes treatment simpler and more successful

Establishing Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Teaching kids how to brush, floss, and care for their teeth, in general, helps them form good habits they can keep as adults.

Reducing Dental Anxiety

Regular dental check-ups can help kids become used to the dental environment and lessen their anxiety and fear of getting dental cleaning.

Promoting Oral Health Knowledge

Preventive care creates a deeper knowledge of the connection between dental health and general well-being by educating parents and kids about the significance of oral health.

Pediatric Preventive Care Services at Brookdale Dentistry

Dental Examinations

For spotting early indications of dental problems and tracking children’s oral health as they develop, routine dental exams are essential.

Professional Cleanings

The removal of plaque, tartar, and stains from the teeth by our skilled dental hygienists helps to promote good oral health.

Dental Sealants

To prevent decay in the deep grooves of the teeth, dental sealants are small, protective coatings on the chewing surfaces of molars.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments improve tooth enamel and aid in keeping young teeth free of cavities.

Oral Health Education

Our dental team spends time teaching parents and kids about correct brushing and flossing procedures, as well as the value of eating a balanced diet for healthy teeth.

Early Orthodontic Evaluation

As children’s teeth and jaws develop, we perform early orthodontic exams to spot any possible orthodontic abnormalities that might need treatment.

Dental X-rays

When necessary, we use dental X-rays to find concealed dental issues that are not apparent during a visual examination.


Preparing Children for Dental Visits

At Brookdale Dentistry, we understand that dental visits can be intimidating for some children. Our team employs child-friendly approaches to create a positive and comfortable dental experience, including:

Child-centred Environment

Our dental office is welcoming and kid-friendly, with cheerful furnishings and kid-friendly features.

Gentle and Calming Approach

To put kids at ease during their appointments, our pediatric dentists and staff take a friendly and reassuring approach.

Explaining Procedures

We take the time to thoroughly explain dental treatments to kids, allaying any worries or fears they might have

Positive Reinforcement

During dental appointments, we use praise and positive reinforcement to promote cooperative behaviour.

Promoting Oral Health at Home

Preventive care extends beyond dental visits. Parents play an important role in their child’s oral health by implementing good oral hygiene practices at home:

Start Early

During dental appointments, we employ positive reinforcement and compliments to promote excellent behaviour and cooperation.

First Dental Visit

Plan your child’s first dental appointment before their first birthday or within six months of the eruption of their first tooth.


Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized dollop of fluoride toothpaste to brush your child’s teeth twice a day.


Start flossing your child’s teeth as soon as they have two teeth that touch.

Balanced Die

Provide a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products while limiting unhealthy snacking and alcoholic beverages.

Promoting a Positive Dental Experience

To encourage a positive dental experience for children, parents can adopt the following strategies:

Be Positive

When discussing dentist visits, be upbeat and steer clear of any tense-inducing words or phrases.

Lead by Example

By maintaining frequent dental check-ups, you will demonstrate to your youngster that dental visits are common and nothing to be afraid of.


Role-playing dental visits at home might help your youngster get used to what to anticipate during a dental appointment

Read Books or Watch Videos

Children should read books or watch movies that encourage good dental experiences and oral hygiene practices.

Preventive Care for Your Child


"Smile Bright, Grow Healthy: Pediatric Preventive Care at Brookdale Dentistry!"

The cornerstone of pediatric dentistry is preventive care, and at Brookdale Dentistry in Yonge St., Ontario, we emphasize giving our young patients healthy smiles. Our skilled pediatric dentists and compassionate staff collaborate to inform kids and their parents about the value of good oral hygiene habits and offer first-rate preventative care to support a lifetime of excellent oral health. We work to make sure every child leaves our dental office with a smile on their face and a commitment to maintaining their oral health for years to come by promoting good dental experiences and providing thorough preventive services.

Call us today or make an appointment on our website so your child can start their dental journey.



When should my child have their first dental visit?

Dentists advise scheduling a child’s first dental appointment by their first birthday or within six months of the eruption of their first tooth. Early dental appointments support the development of healthy oral habits and give parents advice on how to care for their child’s teeth properly.

The pediatric dentist will thoroughly examine your child’s mouth, gums, and teeth at their first dental visit. Additionally, the dentist will analyze the child’s oral growth, look for any indications of tooth decay, and offer advice on how to care for your teeth at home.

Dental X-rays, or dental radiographs, are considered safe for children when they are done with the right safety steps. The pediatric dentist may advise taking X-rays to identify oral issues that are hidden or not obvious during a visual examination. We use high-speed film and lead aprons to reduce radiation exposure.

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings put on the chewing surfaces of molars to shut off the deep grooves and pits. By preventing bacteria and food particles from becoming trapped, cavities in these sensitive locations are less likely to develop.

As soon as the first tooth of your child erupts, parents can start cleaning their child’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste. However, you should only use a tiny amount of toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice) for toddlers under three years old. A pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste is advised for kids aged three to six.

By providing positive reinforcement, reading books or viewing movies about dentist check-ups, and engaging in role-playing activities at home, parents can assist their children in overcoming dental phobia. It can also make a big difference in selecting a pediatric dental facility with a kid-friendly setting and a gentle, caring dental team.

Long-term thumb sucking or pacifier use might cause dental problems such as an open bite or out-of-place teeth. Pediatric dentists can provide direction and encouragement to help kids stop these behaviours and avoid potential tooth issues.

Every six months, children should go to the dentist for routine preventative treatment. These check-ups enable the dentist to keep an eye on their oral health, do expert cleanings, and administer preventive procedures like fluoride varnish and dental sealants.

Dental insurance policies frequently cover preventive care, including routine dental check-ups and cleanings. However, based on the particular insurance policy, the scope of coverage could differ. It’s critical to confirm your coverage for children’s preventative care with your dental insurance company.

In order to promote their child’s dental health, parents are essential. Make sure your youngster uses fluoride toothpaste twice a day, flosses frequently, consumes a balanced diet, and refrains from frequent nibbling on sweets.

Depending on their motor skills and coordination, children can begin brushing their teeth independently at the age of 6 or 7. However, parents should continue to supervise until they are certain that their child can brush successfully on their own.