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Dental bridges

At Brookdale Dentistry

In Yonge St, Ontario

Bridging the Gap to a Complete Smile
with Dental Bridges in Yonge St, Ontario

What Are Dental Bridges?

A confident smile is a powerful asset that makes a lasting impact. However, missing teeth can cause self-consciousness and difficulty speaking and biting, especially if one or more are present. Dental bridges are an efficient way to restore missing teeth, restoring the smile’s appearance and functionality. Fixed restorations called dental bridges replace one or more lost teeth. They are “bridges” because they fill the space by lost teeth and are in place by the natural teeth or dental implants next to them. Bridges seamlessly match the patient’s natural teeth, creating a harmonious and complete smile.

At Brookdale Dentistry on Yonge Street in Ontario, we are proud to offer high-quality dental bridges that fit the needs of each customer. This helps them regain their beautiful smile and confidence.


Caring for Dental Bridges

To maximize oral health and extend the lifespan of dental bridges, proper upkeep is necessary:

Oral Hygiene

Brush twice daily and floss daily to keep your bridge and surrounding teeth clean. You can clean under the bridge with special floss threaders or interdental tools.

Dietary Choices

Steer clear of very sticky or firm meals since they may harm the bridge. A healthy diet encourages good oral health generally.

Regular Dental Check-ups

To monitor the state of the bridge and your dental health, see your dentist regularly for examinations and expert cleanings.

Avoid Habits That Can Damage the Bridge

To avoid breaking the bridge, refrain from biting on hard objects like pens or ice and abstain from using your teeth as tools.

The Dental Bridge Procedure

The process of getting a dental bridge involves several steps and requires the expertise of our experienced team at Brookdale Dentistry:

Comprehensive Evaluation

Our dentist will evaluate the patient’s oral health, talk with them about their objectives and preferences, and choose the kind of dental bridge that will work best for them at the initial appointment.


To make room for the dental crowns, a small amount of enamel is removed from the neighbouring teeth that will act as anchors for traditional and cantilever bridges. An impression of the teeth is then custom-made crowns and bridges.

Temporary Bridge

A temporary bridge protects the prepared teeth and preserves the smile’s appearance, while the permanent bridge is in a dental lab.

Fitting and Adjustment

When the long-term bridge is ready, the patient comes back for a fitting. The dentist checks that the bridge is snugly in place and makes any necessary modifications to ensure that it functions and looks its best.

Bonding the Bridge

Our dentists will fit the bridge accurately before precisely cementing them to the neighbouring teeth with dental cement or, in the case of an implant-supported bridge, to dental implants.


Advantages of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges offer numerous benefits to individuals with missing teeth:

Restored Function

Bridges restore the mouth’s full functionality by allowing patients to chew comfortably and communicate.

Improved Aesthetics

Dental bridges make the smile more attractive by naturally replacing missing teeth.

Preserved Facial Structure

Teeth missing can cause facial drooping and early aging. Bridges support the nearby structures and preserve the face’s form.

Boosted Confidence

Patients regain their confidence and feel more at ease in social and professional settings after receiving a full grin.

Prevent Shifting of Teeth

Bridges preserve good dental alignment by preventing the remaining natural teeth from slipping into the gap.

Why Choose Brookdale Dentistry for Dental Bridges

Customized Solutions

At Brookdale Dentistry, our dental staff designs dental bridges custom-made to meet each patient’s specific requirements, resulting in a restoration that looks and fits naturally.

Experience and Expertise

Our dentists have extensive training in restorative dentistry and are able to offer dental bridges of the highest calibre.

State-of-the-Art Technology

We build aesthetically pleasing and practical bridges using cutting-edge dental technology and premium materials.

Patient-centred Care

In order to make sure that our patients are at ease and confident during their treatment, our staff is keen on providing compassionate and patient-centred care.

Dental Bridges in GTA and the Surrounding Area


"Bridging Smiles, Restoring Confidence: Dental Bridges by Brookdale Dentistry!"

At Brookdale Dentistry on Yonge Street in Ontario, we think that everyone deserves a smile they can be proud of. We commit ourselves to bridge the gap between our patients’ incomplete smiles and complete, self-assured smiles with our high-quality dental bridges and individualized approach to care. Call us to schedule a consultation with our qualified experts if you are thinking about getting dental bridges or any other type of dental work. With dental bridges that go above and beyond your expectations, let us be your partners in regaining your smile and enhancing your quality of life.


How are dental bridges different from dentures?

Dentures are detachable prostheses, while dental bridges are cemented-in fixed restorations. Dental bridges replace one or more of your missing teeth, whereas complete or partial dentures can replace all of the teeth that are missing from an arch.

The lifespan of dental bridges depends on various factors, including oral hygiene practices, regular dental check-ups, and the materials used. Dental bridges can last between 5 to 15 years or more with proper care.

Modern dental bridges look like natural teeth and are essentially indistinguishable from them. In order to create a smooth and realistic-looking repair, the dentist meticulously matches the colour and contour of the artificial teeth to the surrounding natural teeth.

The process of getting a dental bridge is not too painful. The surrounding teeth get ready while under the influence of local anesthetic to make the procedure comfortable. The little discomfort or sensitivity that patients may experience after the bridge is implanted normally goes away within a few days.

A dental bridge is not suitable for everyone. To support the bridge, the neighbouring teeth must be sound and sturdy. Alternative tooth replacement methods, such as dental implants, may be better if the neighbouring teeth are unsuitable.